Monday, May 18, 2009


If you're unsure of which emotion I was going for with this post's title, it's that of frustration with a touch of anger. Allow me to elaborate.

A little over a week ago I received what I thought was my total bill from my unfortunate visit to the emergency room last month. I couldn't have been more wrong. This is going to sting and sting bad.

We just received another one of those pre-bills that promptly says in bold letters, "THIS IS NOT A BILL!" but does still tell you how much money you're about to lose in the coming days when the real bill arrives. I thought the $338 bill was bad, but this one is for $1,175! SHIT!!

It gets worse...

I then signed up for an account with my health care provider and low and behold there is not one, but two more bills sitting there! One "small" bill for $175 and another much larger bill for $860! CRAP!!

So for those out there who haven't been adding this up in their head, we still owe $2,210. And if these bills are at all like the last one, they'll want it paid in full ASAP.

There's just no way. =\

1 comment:

Todd said...

well that sucks. I wish I could offer some sort of help. hmmmm...there is a drink pouring gig and clean up after a wedding on the 13th of June...if interested. It wouldn't pay much, but at least it would be something...(not to mention it would help me solve a scheduling problem I have)