Thursday, October 30, 2008

Let the driving begin!

The time has come. We set out tomorrow for our drive across the country! Goodbye California; hello Minnesota! The wife is quite excited while I'm excited and nervous at the same time. You see, I've never lived outside of California before, so this is quite an adventure for me. But it's something I've always wanted to do, so I'm trying not to let myself get too nervous or stressed out about the whole ordeal.

In all honesty, I've wanted to move away from California for quite a while now. I'm just tired of the fast-paced life here. It's not all it's cracked up to be, people. California is mostly dirt and desert. Unless you're filthy rich, you're just like everyone else who is just getting by in your overpriced apartment. It's an expensive state to live in and nowhere near as glamorous as everyone seems to make it out to be.

So I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got some last minute packing to do. I love procrastination.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Neck injury.

I am getting absolutely nothing done! I've acquired this God awful crick in my neck/shoulder that has rendered me completely useless. How did I injure myself you ask? I'm pretty sure it was that damn basketball arcade machine that I tried so hard to defeat on Wednesday. I played for about 20 minutes straight, and I guess the motion of not being able to follow through all the way has completely tightened up my neck. This totally sucks!

Our move to Minnesota has been pushed back a few days as a result. But don't worry, I've got frozen strawberries on my neck so I'm bound to recover ASAP!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Please, not again!

I'm sorry, but I just don't want another president who always comes off as a fumbling idiot! Is it really that hard to speak correctly?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back on land!

We're back! The honeymoon was wonderful, I have a few funny stories to tell, but absolutely nothing ready at this time. My plan to write daily completely failed. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that I didn't have time to write, but more so that I was honestly just too darn lazy. I can't believe how many naps we took.

Be on the lookout for more information from our trip. We had a blast!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

There's honey on the moon.

It's that time folks! We're only a month "late", but hey, better late than never, right?

We're off to enjoy the waters of the Pacific as we embark on a cruise down to Mexico. There most likely won't be any way for me to post while we're gone, so instead I'm going to try and write daily anyway and then post them once we get home. But in the meantime, you'll need to just sit back and wait. I'll leave you with a few riddles to keep you occupied.

1. What falls but doesn’t break, and what breaks but doesn’t fall?

2. The person who buys it doesn't need it. The person who makes it doesn't want it. The person who uses it doesn't know it. What is it?

3. What goes around the world but stays in a corner?

Good luck! I'll see you in about a week!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Excited and scared.

Today was an interesting day. I'm not really sure what I was feeling, but it was akin to that feeling you'd finally get on the last day of school where you realize you're not going to see these people again for a really long time. Except in my case, it's possible I may never see these people again. Ever. It's a bit strange.

I was a little sad when it was finally time to start saying my goodbyes. It started to sink in once I had finished packing up my cubical. I managed to squeeze all of my desk toys and gadgets into a pretty small box, so that was satisfying and yet equally depressing.

Cruises! Note to self: the next time I go on a cruise, don't tell anyone. It seems everyone has been on a cruise at least twice, and they all have conflicting advice about what to do first and how to handle your stay. I eventually just started blocking people out because I came to realize that there is just so much freakin' stuff to do, only you can decide, when the time actually arrives, what you're going to do. And hey...


So I'm feeling a little scared of the fact that I'm now actually unemployed. That's right, I'm completely jobless. It's an interesting feeling. I've had a steady job for the past six years and now, by choice, I've got zero income and we're living off of our savings. It should be an interesting ride, but I'll tell you what, I'm going to enjoy every minute of it!

And here's a little piece of irony. When I got in my car after work, and turned on my stereo, this was the lyric that came on first. It's from the song "Afraid" by Yellowcard.

I am afraid right now,
You never will get out,
You'll never let yourself be saved,
You are so afraid.

Sheesh, talk about feeling like you're being watched. =P

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Eight hours to go.

480 minutes to be exact! Do I sound excited? If I do it's because I am! But I'm not as excited as I was expecting to be.

Yes it will be nice to finally be moving on to (hopefully) bigger and better things, but the feelings that are going through me are a bit unsettling. I guess it was to be expected, I mean, I've been at this job for the past three and a half years, so it's going to feel very different not coming here at all anymore.

What comes next? I have no idea. After the honeymoon, we will finish packing, mail off a bunch of our stuff to where we're going to be moving to, put the rest in our car and head on out for a four day drive across the country. I've never driven that far before so hopefully we don't have trouble finding ways to keep ourselves amused.

But I digress. I think I'm going to miss this place, at least in the ever so slightest way. I'll definitely miss a few of my co-workers (you guys know who you are). I'm sorry to be leaving you behind and I wish you the best of luck getting out of that place. You deserve so much more, both challenge wise and paycheck wise.

As for where I'll work next, again, it's totally up in the air. I've started looking, but not at anything serious yet. We have enough money saved up to keep us going for a few months so hopefully neither of us will need to settle on a job we know we won't enjoy.

Wow, what started as a promise to stay with this company for at least a year turned into so much more. I probably should have left a long time ago. Here's to better decisions in the future.

It's that time of year!

What time of year? Video game season, that's what!

Every year around this time all of the big name developers and publishers get ready to release their new masterpieces upon the world. It's an adventure that lasts a little less than two months as we build up to Christmas. This year there seems to be an abundance of games that I'm interested in. And surprisingly, there are more console than PC games this year.

I've decided to share my list with you now, not so much for the purpose of sharing, but more for the sake of my not having to worry about forgetting any of them in the future. Lucky you.

- Fallout 3
- FarCry 2
- Fable 2
- Gears of War 2
- Call of Duty: World at War
- Guitar Hero: World Tour
- Mega Man 9 (yeah, yeah, I'm late)
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (hopefully)
- Quake Live (I know it's free, but pleeeeease!)

Whew! And you know what the awesome part is? I have no idea when I'll even have time to play any of them! Hooray! ... *sigh*

Honestly, as much as my time has been cut a bit short as of late, it may free up a tad as the next few months go by. Let's keep our fingers crossed. I've got a few Xbox 360 friends who would definitely be interested in some co-op Gears of War 2, so here's to free time and open schedules!

Cheers, mate!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blah-ging on the Eee.

This will be the first of what I hope to be a very short list of entries that seem to start with me not really having much to talk about. But I'm trying to stay consistent with how often I submit new entries so if this is all I've got then so be it.

Regarding the topic of this entry, this blog has actually allowed me to use my Asus Eee twice in two days! I've had this little guy for almost a year now, and while he is handy to have on trips for quick Internet access and movie watching, I really haven't felt like I have done anything useful with him. Maybe this is what I have been waiting for?

If any of you who read my last post are wondering how my friend's Mega Man marathon is's still going. Let's leave it at that. =)

Early in the morning.

Just about breakfast time.

I'm sorry, I had to. It's just after 1:30am and as usual I am still awake. Not for much longer, but awake none the less. A good friend of mine, in honor of the release of Mega Man 9, has decided to run an all night solo marathon through all nine "old school" Mega Man games. He may be crazy for thinking it can be done, but that doesn't mean I'm not completely jealous that I can't be sitting right there next to him.

These all night (or all weekend) gaming marathons are starting to creep up more and more. From Zelda to Mario to Mega Man to Final Fantasy, gamers are more and more showing their dedication to the games they love. Sometimes it's for charity, other times just to say they did it. Either way, that's one bandwagon I think I'll be jumping on sometime in the near future.

But what will I play?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Two down, three to go.

It's getting down to the wire. Only three days until I am no longer employed. My time spent at this place of business was good. It had its ups and downs, but overall worth the experience.

Blah, blah, blah.

Honestly, this job has been going downhill for about the last year or so. What was once a good starting place for a career in IT quickly turned into exactly, and only that: a starting place. There was no room for me to pursue web development (my focus in college) and pretty soon even my helpdesk tasks were taken away from me. I was moved "up" to a never-ending project and soon lost contact with anyone outside of my department.

Locked in my cubicle is where I stayed. Quickly it became the norm to hear people asking, "You still work here?" *sigh* Unfortunately, yes.

But no longer. It's time to move on to bigger and brighter things. Greener pastures as they say. I am going to commit myself to finding a job that suits me. And while I look, I am going to pursue my own web ideas so as to clear up some space in my head after all these years.

Only three days to go. And only five days until my wife and I finally go on our honeymoon.

I'm happy. =)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Here we are.

I guess this is as good a place to start as any. Something has to be said first, right? This blog will explain itself in due time, so don't try to read between the lines too much, okay?

There is an adventure waiting for me. I am newly married, and in about four weeks my wife and I will be packing our bags and moving across the country. Her adventure will differ from mine in that she has moved like this before (minus the married part). I have never lived outside of my home state. Sure I've traveled before, but never for more than a few weeks before returning home as my vacations, as do most, always come to an end.

This will be an adventure; a new chapter in my life. Am I excited? Of course I am! Nervous? Absolutely! Have I started freaking out yet? Not quite, but the day may come.

Welcome to my thoughts. Welcome to my story.