Here's an interesting tidbit I meant to write about some time ago.
Wife and I were at the grocery store, picking up groceries (as usual), when we entered the checkout line as it's always the final stop of our shopping adventures. It's pretty common now to see, along with the vast assortment of gum and candy, a small refrigerator with bottles (or cans) for sale of your favorite beverages.
So what, right?
Even in the great state of Minnesota, the land of lakes, I still haven't been able to get accustomed to drinking tap water. Don't ask me why, I don't know. It was gross in California, and it's still gross in Minnesota. The solution? Bottled water. Yes, I know there's such a thing as a Brita filter, but we have a fairly small fridge in the house that we're living in, so there's not really any room for a pitcher of water. So we buy bottled.
Aquafina to be exact. We pickup a few 24-packs of their 16.9 fluid ounce bottles. Total cost? Four dollars per case. That comes out to about 17 cents per bottle (or 1 cent per fluid ounce). Great, right? So what's the big deal? Let's go back to that refrigerator in the checkout aisle.
If you want to buy one bottle of Aquafina, it's going to cost you $1.50! Yes, you read that completely right. They open a case of water, place them individually in this refrigerator, and now the price has magically gone up almost ten fold. I can buy three bottles of cold water for MORE than it costs me to buy 24 bottles of warm water!
The end. =)